September 07, 2021
We spoke with O'Loughlin about how the agency progressed from awareness to making lasting change.
Tell us about your role and your approach to improving diversity and inclusion at RAPP.
It’s hard to sum up a lead diversity role in just a few sentences – but it’s truly all-encompassing. I believe, when the job is done right, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion should not only touch, but inform, every aspect of the business. From the vendors that we choose, to the briefs we write, to the clients we partner with – and, of course, the work we put out into the world – it’s critical now, more than ever, that our products and ways of working reflect the people and communities we’re serving and are surrounded by.
Similarly, improving DE&I isn’t a linear pathway or single answer – there are so many components to the practice. Talent, ways of working, agency vision: they’ve all got to come together and work toward creating the most equitable and inclusive environment possible for our people and our output. At RAPP, we’ve laid the “awareness” foundation and I think if we can continue to tackle addressing talent balance and diversity amongst our people, we’ll be on our way. But there’s no quick-fix and no one’s got it fully right, yet. We’re committed to continue working to be better.
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